Physical Health tips

DO This Movement Every Night Before Going To Bed, Your Body Will Change In No Time!

If you frequently struggle to fall asleep, you’re not alone. Many individuals find themselves tossing and turning in bed for hours before finally slipping into slumber. Consistently experiencing this can lead to daytime fatigue, potentially leading to excessive consumption of sugar and coffee to stay awake, and even contributing to feelings of depression and weight gain. It’s a serious issue! Engaging in certain yoga poses before bedtime can aid in falling asleep and staying asleep. These poses are straightforward, making them accessible even to beginners or those who don’t consider themselves flexible. Scientific studies increasingly support the efficacy of yoga in promoting better sleep and overall well-being. So why not take advantage of it? You’ve got nothing to lose.

When initially trying out these poses, it’s advisable not to hold them for too long, aiming for just one minute. Gradually, you can extend the duration to five minutes or more.

  1. Balasana – Child’s Pose For individuals with knee issues, this pose might not be suitable. However, for others, it can effectively relax the nervous system, back, shoulders, abdomen, and mind. If reaching your buttocks to your heels feels challenging, placing a folded blanket underneath can help. Arms can be extended forward or relaxed at the sides. Using an alarm can help track the duration of the pose. Remember to breathe deeply, especially into the back, while in Child’s Pose.
  2. Supta Baddha Konasana – Reclining Butterfly Pose Lie on your back, supporting your knees and allowing the soles of your feet to touch while your knees fall gently to the sides. For most people, lying completely flat in this position is not possible, so placing support under the knees is beneficial. Arms can rest at the sides while focusing on deep abdominal breathing.
  3. Jathara Parivartanasana – Supine Twist Lie on your back and hold your knees (or if flexible enough, reach around your legs). Gently rock from side to side to stretch and massage the lower back, ensuring the legs and feet are fully relaxed. Let the shoulders melt toward the floor while breathing deeply.
  4. Supta Matsyendrasana – Supine Spinal Twist Lie on your back, supporting the knees and allowing them to fall to one side while extending the opposite arm in the opposite direction. Keep both shoulders relaxed on the floor and focus on deep breathing. Repeat on the other side.
  5. Matsyasana – Fish Pose Lie on your back with arms at your sides and slide your hands, palms down, under your buttocks. Press the lower arms into the floor to lift the upper body, opening the chest. You can lift your head or let it gently fall backward. Take several deep breaths before releasing the pose and enjoying the sensation of openness in the chest.

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