
10 signs that you are not drinking enough water!

Bad breath: Regular water consumption helps maintain the flow of saliva and gets rid of the bacteria responsible for bad breath.

Joint problems: Proper hydration keeps cartilage supple, reducing the possibility of arthritis or other joint problems.

Headaches: Dehydration can lead to headaches, dizziness, and lethargy. Replenishing fluids promptly can relieve these symptoms.

High cholesterol levels: Inadequate hydration may contribute to high cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of serious conditions such as heart attacks and strokes.

Decreased concentration: Dehydration can affect the brain earlier than the body, affecting concentration levels due to the brain’s reliance on a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Difficulty performing exercises: Inadequate hydration impairs performance, especially during longer, more intense exercise sessions, where loss of fluids and electrolytes occurs.

To address these issues, the European Food Safety Authority recommends a daily water consumption of 2.5 liters for men and 2 liters for women, coming from food and drinks. It is essential to achieve balance, as excessive water intake can lead to a rare but serious condition called hyponatremia, in which abnormal water retention reduces the concentration of sodium in the blood.

In conclusion, maintaining adequate hydration is vital to overall health, and awareness of the potential side effects of dehydration can help prioritize this essential aspect of well-being.

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