
10 signs that you are not drinking enough water!

It’s easy to underestimate the importance of staying adequately hydrated, a factor that often falls to the bottom of our list of priorities. However, neglecting our water consumption may pose serious risks to our health.

Dr. Marilyn Glenville, author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar, emphasizes the critical role water plays in supporting the immune system. Water carries nutrients to cells, removes waste and toxins from cells and the body, regulates body temperature, protects joints, and keeps the lining of the mouth moist, reducing susceptibility to colds.

Here are the surprising side effects of not drinking enough water:

Fatigue: Not drinking enough water can cause the body to retain energy, leading to decreased efficiency and feeling tired.

Digestive problems: Water helps in the digestive process by softening the stool, making it easier to pass. Dehydration may increase the risk of stomach ulcers.

Eye discomfort: Inadequate humidity can cause eye discomfort, especially for contact lens wearers, as tears and the eye’s protective layer depend on proper hydration.

Increased risk of kidney stones: Severe dehydration increases the risk of kidney stones, which may cause pain and obstruction of the urinary tract.

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